Yamaha CP2000 PowerAmp

High Power Output
The CP2000 delivers a maximum 2000 watts of clean power into 4-ohm load when bridged. In a stereo configuration it delivers 1000 watts of power into 2-ohms, 650 watts into 4-ohm loads or 450 watts into 8-ohm loads.

EEEngine Technology
Yamaha's exclusive EEEngine technology, combined with a MOSFET amplifier allows the CP2000 to deliver high performance along with exceptional efficiency. At idle, power consumption is kept to a mere 30 watts while under normal use the unit draws 350 watts.

Other Features
The CP2000 shares the same limiter circuits that are used in high-end H Series amplifiers for optimum protection from hard clipping. It also provides three output modes for maximum flexibility. The normal Stereo mode (separate input signals routed to independent channels with L/R signal control). Parallel Mode feeds a single input to two independent channels with L/R signal control, and Bridged Mono for extra high power output.

The unit is also equipped with balanced XLR jacks and balanced 1/4-inch phone jacks for input connections, and 1/4-inch phone jacks and 5-way binding posts for speaker connections.